Sunday School

Promise and Deliverance Student Workbooks

When S.G. De Graaf wrote his four-volume series, Promise and Deliverance, he showed educators how to teach Bible stories from a redemptive-historical perspective. Rather than turning Bible stories into moralistic tales, De Graaf taught us how all the Bible shows God revealing himself as the God of the covenant, who is working out His redemptive plan for humanity and all of creation. PDF copies of De Graaf’s work are available for download from the Cántaro Institute. You can also view them here:

Promise and Deliverance I: From Creation to the Conquest of Canaan

Promise and Deliverance II: The Failure of Israel’s Theocracy

Promise and Deliverance III: Christ’s Ministry and Death

Promise and Deliverance IV: Christ and the Church

The 80 workbooks written by Harvey De Groot are meant to supplement De Graaf’s work. They are divided by volume and level number: 20 volumes with four levels per volume. Workbook lessons are written at four levels so that families with students in various grades can study the same Bible stories during the week in preparation for their classes on Sunday. Prior to class, the Sunday School teacher should study the lesson in De Graaf’s book. The teacher and students can go through the workbook during class.

The levels are divided according to the following grades:

  • Level One: Grades K-1
  • Level Two: Grades 2-3
  • Level Three: Grades 4-6
  • Level Four: Grades 7-8

Each volume contains 12 or 13 lessons, and each lesson has the following sections:

  • Reference: The volume and lesson number in De Graaf’s series.
  • Scripture: The passage from Scripture on which the lesson is based.
  • Memory Verse: A memory verse related to the lesson
  • Lesson Truth: A short statement to help the class focus on the main point of the lesson.
  • Lesson: The lesson itself, which the teacher can read in class. For older grades, the teacher may opt to assign it as homework.
  • Questions: Items to be discussed in class. For older grades, the teacher can assign these questions as homework but should also use them as a basis for class discussion. These are not the only questions that could or should be asked. Teachers should encourage students to come with their own questions as well.

This edition was written by Harvey De Groot and edited by his son Norlan De Groot.

Download PDF versions of the workbooks for free, or if you like, you can purchase bound copies from

I am developing a new expanded edition with the help of D. A. Dawal, who has added illustrations and workbook activities. Unfortunately, I am not able to offer this edition for free. However, it is available for purchase on As we produce more volumes of this edition, I will add them to the list below as Expanded Edition links.

Volume 1

Volume 1 contains the following lessons:

  1. The Kingdom of God (Gen. 1:1-2:3)
  2. The Covenant of God’s Favor (Gen. 2:4-25)
  3. The Covenant of God’s Grace (Gen. 3)
  4. Living Seed (Gen. 4)
  5. Saved by Water (Gen. 6-9)
  6. The Emergence of Distinct Peoples (Gen. 11:1-9)
  7. Blessed in The One (Gen. 12)
  8. Christ Alone (Gen. 13)
  9. Blessed by the Greater (Gen. 14)
  10. The Lord in the Covenant (Gen. 15)
  11. God Hears (Gen. 16)
  12. God the Almighty (Gen. 17)

Volume 2

Volume 2 contains the following lessons:

  1. God’s Confidant (Gen. 18)
  2. The Judge of All the Earth (Gen. 19)
  3. The Protection of the Promised Seed (Gen. 20)
  4. Divine Good Pleasure (Gen. 21)
  5. On the Mount of the Lord (Gen. 22)
  6. The Guarantee of the Inheritance (Gen. 23)
  7. Loving God for His Own Sake (Job 1)
  8. The Lord’s Involvement in Human Suffering (Job 2–39)
  9. Sanctification unto Renewal (Job 40–42)
  10. The Preservation of the Covenant Seed (Gen. 24:1–25:18)
  11. Flesh and Spirit (Gen. 25:19-34)
  12. Rehoboth (Gen. 26)

Volume 3

Volume 3 contains the following lessons:

  1. God’s Prerogative in Election (Gen. 27:1-28:9)
  2. God’s Primacy in the Covenant (Gen. 28:10-22)
  3. The Word Becomes Flesh (Gen. 29-30)
  4. Separation by the Word (Gen. 31)
  5. Israel’s God (Gen. 32-33)
  6. Holy is the Lord (Gen. 34-36)
  7. Sold for Twenty Pieces of Silver (Gen. 37-38)
  8. God’s Word in Egypt (Gen. 39-41)
  9. Restored Unity (Gen. 42-45)
  10. The Preserver of Life (Gen. 46-47
  11. Flesh and Spirit (Gen. 25:19-34)
  12. I Am Who I Am (Ex. 1-4)

Volume 4

Volume 4 contains the following lessons:

  1. Freedom to Serve the Lord (Ex. 5-11)
  2. Resurrection (Ex. 12:1-13:16)
  3. The Day of the Lord (Ex. 13:17-15:21)
  4. Borne on Eagles’ Wings (Ex. 15:22-17:16)
  5. The Covenant Established (Ex. 18-24)
  6. The Mediator (Ex. 32-34)
  7. God’s Dwelling Place (Ex. 25-31, 35-40)
  8. Consecrated to God (Lev. 8:1-10:7)
  9. Israel’s Calling (Num. 9:15-10:36)
  10. For His Own Sake (Num. 11)
  11. Illegitimate Honor (Num. 12) 
  12. Light Shining in Darkness (Num. 13-1

Volume 5

Volume 5 contains the following lessons:

  1. The Head of the People Upheld (Num. 16:1-40)
  2. A Thriving Priesthood (Num. 16:41-17:13)
  3. The Living God (Num. 20:1-13)
  4. Humiliation (Num. 20:14-21:9)
  5. Blessed by the Lord (Num. 21:10-24:25)
  6. The Sovereignty of God’s Justice (Num. 25-36)
  7. The Word Is Very Near You (Deut. 29-34)
  8. Brought into Canaan (Josh. 1:1-5:12)
  9. Set Apart to the Lord by the Ban (Josh. 5:13-8:35)
  10. The Righteousness of God (Josh. 9-12)
  11. The Heritage of the Saints (Josh. 13-22)
  12. Confirmed in the Inheritance (Josh. 23-24)

Volume 6

Volume 6 contains the following lessons:

  1. The Earth is the Lord’s (Judg.1-5)
  2. The Reign of Grace (Judg. 6-9)
  3. Moved by Israel’s Misery (Judg. 10-12)
  4. The Mighty One of Israel (Judg. 13-16)
  5. Falling and Rising (Judg. 17-21)
  6. The Redeemer (Ruth 1-4)
  7. The Forerunner of the King (1 Sam. 1-4)
  8. The Return of the Lord (1 Sam. 5-7)
  9. Collision (1 Sam. 8-12)
  10. Put to Shame (1 Sam. 13-14)
  11. Divine Rejection (1 Sam. 15)
  12. Divine Election (I Sam. 16)
  13. The Deliverer Revealed to the People (1 Sam. 17:1-18:13)

Volume 7

Volume 7 contains the following lessons:

  1. Crisis (I Samuel 18:14–20:42)
  2. No Place to Lay His Head (I Samuel 21–23)
  3. Vengeance Is Mine (I Samuel 24–26)
  4. Forsaken and Sought Out (I Samuel 27–31)
  5. The People’s Submission to Their King (II Samuel 1–5)
  6. King of Israel (II Samuel 6–9)
  7. The Lord’s Beloved (II Samuel 10–12)
  8. Rejected and Restored (II Samuel 13–20)
  9. Israel’s Lamp (II Samuel 21–24)
  10. The Kingdom of Peace (I Kings 1–4)
  11. The Palace of His Holiness (I Kings 5–9)
  12. The Light of the World (I Kings 10–11)

Volume 8

Volume 8 contains the following lessons:

  1. David’s House Humbled (I Kings 12:1-24)
  2. Unquenchable Fire (I Kings 12:25–14:20)
  3. Estrangement in Judah (I Kings 14:21–15:24; II Chron. 11:5–16:14)
  4. Israel Forsaken (I Kings 15:25-16:34)
  5. The Word of Grace Concealed (I Kings 17)
  6. The Word of Grace Revealed (I Kings 18)
  7. Stillness with God (I Kings 19)
  8. Like Sheep without a Shepherd (1 Kings 20:1-22:40)
  9. Joy in the Lord (I Kings 22:41-51; II Chron. 17:1–18:3; 19:1–20:37)
  10. The Prophet of Penitence (I Kings 22:52­–II Kings 1:18)
  11. Ascension (II Kings 2)
  12. The Light of the World (I Kings 10–11)

Volume 9

Volume 9 contains the following lessons:

  1. Accepted as a Gift (II Kings 5:1–6:7)
  2. Unsolicited Grace (II Kings 6:8–8:6)
  3. Divine Persecution (II Kings 8:7-29; II Chron. 21:1–22:9)
  4. Flame and Stubble (II Kings 9–10)
  5. The Struggle of the Spirit (II Kings 11–12)
  6. Extreme Long-suffering (II Kings 13; 14:23-29)
  7. Sanctified and Made a Blessing (Jonah 1–4)
  8. Self-complacency (II Kings 14:1-22; 15:1-7;
    II Chron. 25–26)
  9. Wayward Children (II Kings 15:32–16:20; II Chron. 27–28)
  10. A Return to the Lord (II Kings 18:1-8; II Chron. 29–31)
  11. No Longer a People (II Kings 15:8-31; 17:1-41)
  12. The Intercession of the Mediator
    (II Kings 18:9–19:37; II Chron. 32:1-23)
  13. The Need for a True Mediator (II Kings 20; II Chron. 34–35)

Volume 10

Volume 10 contains the following lessons:

  1. The Power of Grace in a Time of Judgment
    (II Kings 21; II Chron. 33)
  2. The Need for Reformation by the Spirit
    (II Kings 22–23; II Chron. 34–35)
  3. Fading Light (II Kings 24–25)
  4. A Kingdom Not of This World (Daniel 1–2)
  5. The Power of Grace in Babylon (Daniel 3)
  6. The Sovereignty of Israel’s God (Daniel 4)
  7. Like a Potter’s Vessel (Daniel 5)
  8. Worshiping the Name of the Lord (Daniel 6)
  9. The Temporary Restoration of the Lord’s House (Ezra 1–6)
  10. The Law Reinstated (Ezra 7–10)
  11. A Witness (Esther 1–10)
  12. The Temporary Restoration of the City of God (Neh. 1–13)

Volume 11

Volume 11 contains the following lessons:

  1. Given by God (Matt. 1)
  2. Epiphany (Matt. 2)
  3. Head of His People (Matt. 3–4)
  4. The Reign of Grace (Matt. 5–7)
  5. Power to Save (Matt. 8:1-13)
  6. Wedding Guests (Matt. 9:9-17)
  7. The Labor of His Soul (Matt. 9:27–10:42)
  8. The Kingdom Forces Its Way Through (Matt. 11)
  9. The Gospel of the Kingdom Is Like Seed (Matt. 13:1-30)
  10. The Kingdom Is Like a Treasure (Matt. 13:44-52)
  11. Lord over the Forces of Nature (Matt. 14:13-33)
  12. You Are the Christ (Matt. 16:13-28)
  13. The People of the Lord (Matt. 17:24–18:35)

Volume 12

Volume 12 contains the following lessons:

  1. The First and the Last (Matt.19:13–20:16)
  2. Looking for Fruit (Matt.21:18-46)
  3. Calling and Election (Matt.22:1-14)
  4. For the Bridegroom’s Sake (Matt.25:1-13)
  5. The Master’s Goods (Matt.25:14-30)
  6. Ready to Be Sacrificed (Matt.26:1-16)
  7. The New Testament in His Blood (Matt.26:17-29)
  8. The Faithful Witness (Matt.26:57-75)
  9. Like Clay in the Potter’s Hands (Matt.27:1-10)
  10. Arbitrary Treatment (Matt. 27:11-31)
  11. Cursed by God (Matt.27:32-56)
  12. In the Realm of the Dead (Matt.27:57-66)
  13. The One with Authority (Matt.28)

Volume 13

Volume 13 contains the following lessons:

  1. Christ as King (Mark 1:1-13)
  2. The Holy One of God (Mark 1:14-39)
  3. Power to Forgive Sin (Mark 2:1-12)
  4. Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:23–3:6)
  5. Not Known (Mark 3:7-35)
  6. The Revelation of the Mystery (Mark 4:21-34)
  7. Safety (Mark 4:35-41)
  8. Binding the Strong One (Mark 5:1-20)
  9. The Restorer of Life (Mark 5:21-43)
  10. The Lord from Heaven (Mark 6:7-32)
  11. Purity in the Kingdom of God (Mark 7:1-23)
  12. A Light to the Gentiles (Mark 7:24-30)

Volume 14

Volume 14 contains the following lessons:

  1. All of Life Is a Miracle (Mark 7:31­–8:26)
  2. Transfigured (Mark 9:2-13)
  3. Fighters for Life (Mark 9:14-29)
  4. He Came to Serve (Mark 10:32-45)
  5. The Answer to the Questions (Mark 12:13-44)
  6. Learning Obedience (Mark 14:32-42)
  7. Like a Murderer (Mark 14:43-72)
  8. Regarded as Nothing (Mark 15:1-20)
  9. Powerlessness (Mark 15:21-47)
  10. The Word of the King (Mark 16:1-20)
  11. The Lord is Gracious (Luke 1:1-25, 57-80)
  12. Holy Is His Name (Luke 1:26-56)

Volume 15

Volume 15 contains the following lessons:

  1. Christ the Lord (Luke 2:1-20)
  2. The Consolation of Israel (Luke 2:21-39)
  3. In His Father’s Work (Luke 2:40-52)
  4. Exodus (Luke 3:1-20)
  5. The Lord’s Anointed (Luke 3:21–4:30)
  6. Fisher of Men (Luke 5:1-11)
  7. The Apostle of Our Confession (Luke 6:12-49)
  8. He Has Borne Our Griefs (Luke 7:11-17)
  9. Forgiveness (Luke 7:36-50)
  10. Governed by the Kingdom (Luke 9:49–10:24)
  11. My Neighbor (Luke 10:25-37)
  12. Only One Thing Is Needed (Luke 10:38-42)
  13. Praying to the Father (Luke 11:1-13)

Volume 16

Volume 16 contains the following lessons:

  1. Security (Luke 12:13-21
  2. The Disclosure of Life’s Need (Luke 13:1-17)
  3. Spirit and Life (Luke 14:1-14)
  4. The Tie to the Lost (Luke 15)
  5. Building the Eternal Community of the Saints (Luke 16:1-13)
  6. The Truly Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31)
  7. The Fear of the Lord (Luke 17:1-19)
  8. The Cry for Justice (Luke 18:1-14)
  9. To Receive the Kingdom (Luke 18:31–19:27)
  10. Israel’s King (Luke 19:28-48)
  11. Defenseless (Luke 22:35-53)
  12. From Pilate to Herod (Luke 23:1-25) 

Volume 17

Volume 17 contains the following lessons:

  1. Alone (Luke 23:26-31)
  2. His Sacrifice (Luke 23:32-56)
  3. The Redemption of Life (Luke 24)
  4. The True Light (John 1:1-34)
  5. Confessors (John 1:35-51)
  6. Life’s Renewer (John 2:1-12)
  7. The Kingdom as a Revelation (John 3:1-21)
  8. The Bridegroom (John 3:22-36)
  9. The Gift of God (John 4:1-42)
  10. The Opening Up of Galilee (John 4:43-54)
  11. The Everflowing Spring (John 5:1-18)
  12. The Bread of Life (John 6)

Volume 18

Volume 18 contains the following lessons:

  1. Life’s Joy (John 7)
  2. Come to Save (John 8)
  3. Come for Judgment (John 9)
  4. The Good Shepherd (John 10)
  5. The Resurrection and the Life (John 11)
  6. The Reproducing Kernel of Wheat (John 12:20-33)
  7. Love to the End (John 13:1-17)
  8. The Rock (John 18:1-27)
  9. Not of this World (John 18:28¬¬–19:16)
  10. The Opening Up of Galilee (John 4:43-54)
  11. The Resurrection of Love (John 20:1-18)
  12. Christ, the Son of God (John 20:19-29)
  13. His Bond to the Life (John 21)

Volume 19

Volume 19 contains the following lessons:

  1. Exalted as King (Acts 1:4-14)
  2. The Organizing of the Church (Acts 1:15-26)
  3. The Spirit of Communion (Acts 2)
  4. Revealed to Jerusalem (Acts 3:1–4:31)
  5. A Holy Fellowship (Acts 4:32–5:11)
  6. Jerusalem Filled with His Name (Acts 5:12–6:7)
  7. In Newness of the Spirit (Acts 6:8–8:4)
  8. Victory over Magic (Acts 8:5-25)
  9. The Way to the Gentiles (Acts 8:26-40)
  10. Called to Be a Bearer of the Word (Acts 9:1-30)
  11. Everlasting Life (Acts 9:31-43)
  12. The Cleansing of the Gentiles (Acts 10–11)

Volume 20

Volume 20 contains the following lessons:

  1. The Victory of the Word of Grace (Acts 12:1-24)
  2. The Door of Fatih Opened to the Gentiles (Acts 12:25–14:28)
  3. Freedom of Faith (Acts 15:1-34)
  4. Overlooking the Times of Their Ignorance (Acts 15:35–18:22)
  5. The Way of the Lord (Acts 18:23–20:38)
  6. Imitator of the Christ (Acts 21:1–23:35)
  7. Standing before Kings and Governors (Acts 24–26)
  8. Christ’s Global Reign (Acts 27–28)
  9. The Victory of the Kingdom (Matt. 24–25)
  10. The Victory over Satan (Rev. 12)
  11. The Victory over the Beast (Rev. 19:11-21)
  12. The Age to Come (Rev. 21–22)