About Me

About Norlan De Groot

Hi! You found me! Let me tell you a little about myself. I’m Norlan De Groot. My wife’s name is Julie. We have four adult children: Christopher, Philip, Megan, and Amy. When our children were growing up, we were serious about training them in in the fear of the Lord. Our prayer for them has always been that they learn to love the Lord and acknowledge his claim on their lives from an early age and throughout their lives.

Our family has moved around a bit, primarily because of my varied education and interests. I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism, a Master of Divinity degree, and a teaching certificate in English education. I have served as a teacher at Chattanooga Christian School and Mount Vernon Christian School. I also served as the Director of Public Relations and Marketing Communication at Dordt College. In addition, I have served as a theological curriculum writer for Third Millennium Ministries and a promoter for Word & Deed Ministries. I currently serve as the Southeast Asia Coordinator at MINTS International Seminary.  

I also like to do a little writing on the side. That’s where this website comes in. I hope you enjoy my publications and that you find them edifying. If you like what I write and want to be notified when I add a new publication to the website, subscribe to my mailing list.  I promise not to use your email for anything other than notifying you about additions to the website.

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